
International Governance

While challenging, international cooperation is important in order to manage risks from AI. We can learn from previous agreements to govern dangerous emerging technologies such as nuclear, while also paying attention to the significant differences between AI and these other technologies.

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Provide three concrete ways that international governance takes place.


It can involve unilateral commitments, norms and standards, bilateral and multilateral talks, summits and forums, governance organizations, and treaties.

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What are some similarities and differences between the governance of AI systems and nuclear weapons?


‍Like nuclear weapons, AIs seem offense-dominant and individual deviations from agreements seem risky. This means that international governance is necessary and requires strict enforcement. Additionally, both have important chokepoints in the supply chain: uranium and compute. It is easy to verify that nuclear weapons have been used, but hard to know that they’ve been successfully developed: in that sense, regulation is similarly hard.

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Provide an example of how certification can be used to regulate an industry.


International aviation safety standards require domestic regulators to have certain verification procedures. Nations comply to maintain access to others’ airspace.

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