

In this section we discuss the distribution of costs and benefits from AI across society, particularly the impact of AI-driven automation. We will also explore potential scenarios regarding the distribution of access to powerful AI systems, as well as the distribution of power across the most advanced AI systems.

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Review Questions

What are some risks from (a) highly open and widely available AI systems, and (b)from tight control over AI by a narrow group?


More open AI models increase risks of bottom-up misuse, where members of the general public leverage the technology to pursue negative outcomes. The more people who can access advanced AIs, the more likely someone will use them harmfully.

More tightly controlled powerful AIs increase risks of top-down misuse by government officials and elites. AIs controlled by a small group could be used to lock in their values without considering humanity's interests broadly.

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What is an AI singleton? What factors make AI singleton scenarios more or less likely?


An AI singleton is an AI that gains decisive and lasting power over all other AIs and humans. Factors making it more likely include a monopoly over AI development, a fast takeoff, and incentives to capture power. Decentralized development makes it less likely.

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